
Embroidery Sewing Machines

 Embroidery refers to the art of decorating textile material or cloth with a needle or other tool to add thread or yarn to it. Embroidery can also include other fabrics like silk, pearls, beaded threads, quilts, sequins, and beads. There are two types of Embroidery machines; one is mechanical Embroidery machines and the other is electronic Embroidery machines. The former type is used more frequently than the latter. Embroidery stitches are made by pressing the needle on the fabric with the help of a rubber or metal needle or thread; fabric is then pressed onto the needle which forms the Embroidery pattern.  website Embroidery stitches are also known as needlepoint or lampworking. In this craft, a person will use a pair of scissors or a straight-tipped needle and trace the pattern with these needles. The most commonly used thread in embroidery making is a cotton thread. However, other threads may also be used, depending upon the type of Embroidery machine being used. Some Embroidery mac